Tuesday 6 October 2015

GlobalTel-The Revolutionary Telecom Service Provider

With the advent and developments in the communication industry it has become oh-so-easy to connect with your loved ones. However the downsides of rapid communication are exorbitant costs, especially if one happens to need to make a long distance phone call or a call to loved one in Jail. It is here the telecommunication angel called GlobalTel comes to the rescue!
What is GlobalTel?
GlobalTel was founded in 1991. Headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida, United States of America, the initial focus of the company was on providing phone services and satellite request lines. GlobalTel eventually graduated to the development of international Inmate services, VOIP (Voice Over IP) services, and currently it focuses on intra U.S.A. Inmate calls.
GlobalTel has pitched these services to illustrious organizations like the World Bank, The United Nations, and many other established companies.
The focus of the company has always been to provide quality telecommunication experience at a reasonable price.

Services Provided
What this company excels in currently are inmate calls. If you happen to have a dear one in jail you can make calls at a reduced rate of up to 90 percent. GlobalTel is a secure FCC registered and 100 percent verified Telephone Company with a specialty in providing inmate calls.
Jail calls are generally charged on the basis of how far the caller is from the facility. GlobalTel provides a local number to its customer which massively slashes down the price of the calls. With GlobalTel even international inmate calls cost peanuts as they are charged at a minimum local rate! With its Local Jail Call services you can be a font of support for your dear one during this trying time, and that too at very cheap rates.
You can easily locate the required Jail Facility, its contact number, address, and zero in on an appropriate inmate call plan on the on the Jail facility directory provided on GlobalTel’s website. This directory is extremely handy, useful, and succinct.
To put it simply without the technical wish wash GlobalTel allows its user to place calls from all around the world to any of the Jail facilities based in the United States of America at a significantly lower costs.
What are the Target Areas?

Though the main GlobalTel is based in Florida, the World is its oyster! With business spread over in more than 230 countries GlobalTel can boast of catering to the telecom requirements of business heavy weights.